My Story: The Unexpected Upside of Down’s Syndrome
When you are expecting a baby, you experience excitement, anticipation, a very special kind of happiness. Yet, at the back of your mind, due to all the tests you have to take along the way, you always...
View ArticleWhat’s It Like Having Down’s Syndrome?
Aisha Jamaluddin Aziz is a 15-year-old teen who likes listening to Avril Lavigne and plans to be an inclusive teacher when she grows up. She has her sights set on studying in Sweden, and she’s already...
View ArticleMimpikita’s Nurul Zulkifli on Motherhood: It was anything but dreamy
The first night her newborn twins were home, Mimpikita’s Nurul Zulkifli thought her dreams were over. Facing breastfeeding difficulties and two screaming babies, the founder and designer of the...
View ArticleKhairy and Nori: Seeing the world through our son’s eyes
Any parent knows plane rides can be a source of anxiety when travelling with children, let alone a dreaded delayed flight. Politician Khairy Jamaluddin and entrepreneur Nori Abdullah’s flight back from...
View ArticleDanielle Graham: ‘Who wants their family to break up?’
Having led a fast-paced life of a glamorous model who graced many a fashion cover, Danielle Peita Graham first comes across as you would any celebrity – confident, cool and perhaps a little reticent....
View ArticleMums of the world: The traditional Indian baby bath and massage
In Indian homes, a baby’s arrival is met with very unique, traditional rituals. These rituals have been practised and passed down for hundreds of generations. One of these long-held traditions is the...
View ArticleLisa Surihani and Motherhood: “I felt so objectified as a person”
The first three months of pregnancy are usually a secret and tranquil joy for mothers, but Lisa Surihani enjoyed no such privacy. When she was pregnant with her first child in 2015, the actress found...
View ArticleIn Session with Hannah Yeoh
It’s 4.00pm on a rainy Wednesday afternoon, and the Malaysian Parliament is in session. As I’m ushered into a meeting room for my interview with Yang Berhormat (the Honourable) Hannah Yeoh Tseow Suan,...
View ArticleBorn without a womb: What You Need To Know About MRKH in Malaysia
By 17, most girls would have started menstruating. If you have never had your period by this age and you think that this is normal, it is not. If you are scared and confused, and you think that you are...
View ArticleMy Story: Dealing with a medical condition doctors said was “All in my head”
I was 19 years old in London, having just started my first term at the London School of Economics. It was an exciting time, my first time living on my own in one of the most exciting cities in the...
View ArticleMy Story: A Cancer Caregiver’s Perspective
My love story was a whirlwind romance; my husband and I met and married within a year. Ups and downs were many, from financial issues to difficulty in conceiving a child. After seven years of marriage...
View ArticleMy Story: How I Bond with my Autistic Child
“We need to enter their world and show them the way out,” said Raun K Kaufman, the first to benefit from the Son-Rise Program. Son-Rise is an approach used successfully for individuals with autism...
View ArticleThe Importance of Inclusive Education, and Why It Should Matter to You
Today is World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD). It has been observed on 21 March by the United Nations since 2012, as a means of raising awareness about the genetic condition. The day is celebrated on this...
View ArticleWorking from Home: 5 Productivity Hacks for the Pent-Up Parent
“Stay at home!” was the firm warning recently issued to all Malaysians, who are now trying to grapple with their altered reality under the government’s recent Movement Control Order (MCO). We have...
View ArticleMy Story: Being a father to an autistic child
“Never a day goes by that I don’t try, Seldom a moment comes by for me to cry Neither a day nor a moment comes by to defy The cry, which I try to defy until the day I die.” I am a father to a special...
View ArticleWhen You Are Not Safe At Home During Covid-19
When Sue* was beaten and strangled by her abusive husband during the government’s Movement Control Order (MCO), the thought of remaining captive at home for the duration of the lockdown was too much to...
View ArticleNavigating The Time of Coronavirus as a Teacher and Mum
Ten days ago I was asked by makchic editor Liyana if I would write an article for Teacher’s Day. Being a teacher and mum of young children, I suppose this made sense. So I said yes, no problem, I...
View ArticleHow mumpreneurs are surviving the MCO
No one could have predicted the impact of the Covid-19 virus. It has not only affected our health but completely changed the way we live and has brought the global economy to a near halt. In Malaysia,...
View ArticleHow to not raise a racist child
The ‘R’ word. It’s both simply descriptive and politically loaded, and is the basis for many uncomfortable realities. Most recently, there has been an explosion of reactions to the killings of...
View ArticleGift ideas for Dads, by a Dad
“Abah, Happy Father’s Day!” “What’s this?” my father asked. “It’s a necktie. I bought it with Mak,” says an 8-year-old me. My celebration with Abah was very predictable. It has always been a vicious...
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